A New Global Content & Music Festival Initiative for Youth

Four members of EYP from different parts of the world, will be present in Rome throughout the Festival. Please be kind to them, and assist them if they ask you for an interview or a picture. They are making an official YouthMundus Festival Magazine,which we are super excited about.

European Youth Press (EYP) is a network of youth media organisations in Europe. It works to build a society where empowered young media makers are actively participating and contributing to the public sphere by creating fair, independent and responsible media, fostering the development of democracy, international development and a sustainable future.
With 26 member organisations and several Committees, the EYP reaches more than 60,000 young journalists across Europe, forming a solid volunteer and professional infrastructure. It is a democratic, non-profit institution, founded and controlled by young media makers, with hundreds of enthusiastic, dedicated, active organisers, trainers, volunteers and a handful of paid project workers, all between 20 and 30 years of age.
The organisation serves the national structures through the development and coordination of projects on European level.